آموزش زبان پایتون (بازی سوال و جواب)

خب حالا وقتشه که یه بازی ساده با پایتون بسازیم، یعنی سه تا سوال از کاربر بپرسیم و بعد بهش امتیاز بدیم: کد پروژه به صورت زیر میشه:

def check_guess(guess, answer):
    global score
    still_guessing = True
    attempt = 0
    while still_guessing and attempt < 3:
        if guess.lower() == answer.lower():
            print("Correct Answer")
            score = score + 1
            still_guessing = False
            if attempt < 2:
                guess = input("Sorry Wrong Answer, try again")
            attempt = attempt + 1
    if attempt == 3:
        print("The Correct answer is ",answer )
score = 0
print("Guess the Animal")
guess1 = input("Which bear lives at the North Pole? ")
check_guess(guess1, "polar bear")
guess2 = input("Which is the fastest land animal? ")
check_guess(guess2, "Cheetah")
guess3 = input("Which is the larget animal? ")
check_guess(guess3, "Blue Whale")
print("Your Score is "+ str(score))

حالا اگه کد بالارو اجرا کنید خروجی به صورت زیر درمیاد:

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